Energy & Water
Has anyone ever cooked a really good meal for you and told you that the secret ingredient was love?
Have you ever considered that it wasn’t just a figure of speech, but there could actually be something more to it?
If two different people cooked the exact same meal, following the exact same recipe with perfect execution, but one person was stressed and angry, while the other was calm and in love, do you think they would taste the same?
If you answered no to that question, would you be able to explain why?
If not, don’t worry, you can just read this instead.
Essentially, everything in this universe is made of energy that is vibrating at various frequencies - even matter, its vibration is just on the slower end of the spectrum.
Sound waves are one of the most commonly recognized forms of frequency, so let’s start there...
When my sister was in eighth grade, her science fair project was about how different kinds of music affected houseplants. In the experiment, she played different music to each one for a few hours each day. They all got the same amount of water and light. The plants who got to listen to classical music thrived, while the ones who listened to heavy metal were pitiful, droopy little creatures when all was said and done.
If sound has an affect on the living beings it surrounds, wouldn’t it make sense that other things would behave similarly? Everything is energy after all...
Words are an interesting thing to explore through this lens because of how integral they are in our daily lives, so much so that many of us barely give them a second thought.
Because most languages are thousands of years old, if not older, each word carries so much history with it, and of course, meanings can morph and change depending on how the word is used and the intention behind it. Some words are heavy with history and can make us cringe at the very mention, while others feel light and playful and can inspire spontaneous bouts of giggles. Exchanging one word for another that is considered synonymous in the official dictionary definition can often change the entire mood of a sentence - any poet can tell you that.
To better illustrate this, let’s try a simple exercise:
Consider the word “joy.”
Take a moment to hold that word in your mind, how does it make you feel? What kind of thoughts, feelings or images emerge?
Now do the same thing with the word “stupid.”
They each make you feel totally different when you sit with them, don’t they?
Humans are not excluded from this phenomena, but because our mental and emotional states are not static, neither is the energy that we exude into the world.
I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of encountering someone who was so bright and happy that we walked away feeling uplifted just by being in their presence.
Let me tell you a story about a farmer who sang to his fruit...
When I was a kid, I would sometimes go to the farmer’s market with my mom (when I could actually manage to drag myself out of bed early on a Saturday morning). We always looked forward to going to this one fruit stand that had the juiciest nectarines and the most delicious pears. The farmer who sold them was always singing. Every time we saw him, without fail, this man had some sweet little melody flowing through him. He always had a smile on his face and gave out samples like there was no tomorrow, and he always had the best produce at the market. He was so joyful, you couldn’t help but smile in his presence. If this farmer’s joy could brighten our day, is it really such a big leap to say that it also had a positive effect on the fruit? I mean, imagine being taken care of and tended to by someone so full of love. Wouldn’t it make you sweeter?
Our words and intentions are powerful.
Back in the 1990s, Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan, spearheaded multiple experiments that explored the interconnectedness between water and human consciousness. In his most well known experiment, he demonstrated that benevolent human intentions affect water in a positive way, while negative ones have the opposite effect. For this experiment, Dr. Emoto placed words like “love and gratitude” on some vessels of water and phrases like “you disgust me” on others. Then he photographed the ice crystals that formed from that water and the results speak for themselves:
To learn more about his experiments, and to explore his findings in greater depth, you can check out his New York Times bestseller “The Hidden Messages in Water.”
Simply recognizing the ways in which we are all interconnected, and that who and what we surround ourselves with can either support and uplift us or take us in the opposite direction, is incredibly powerful.
This is one of the reasons that we started Planet Joy. We want to help spread this understanding, and provide you with some tools for greater upliftment.
Partly inspired by the findings of Dr. Emoto, we are absolutely exuberant about the mugs we have to offer, they are beautiful and pleasing to the eye, while also nourishing to the soul. Each design was created with love and intention, and we hope that you can feel it each time you take a sip from your new favorite mug.